These are links to websites maintained by writers or - ahem - their publishers. If the person you are looking for isn't here, check out the Writer's Blogs section or even the Forums sections if they are sufficiently uber.
Writers' sites
Iain Banks or Iain M Banks depending on your perspective.
Eon, Blood Music, etc. The latter being an interesting example of a superb short story stretched to make a novel.
The Gap series, two short story collections, the colourful Mr Covenant and one of the few writers able to send me off to the dictionary. I'm sure he makes some of that stuff up.
Great ideas and depth of colour.
Left Hand of Darkness. Classic.
Best known in the west for Solaris. Died in 2006.
Died in 2005. I used to hassle the local librarian for Andre Norton books.
Human insight, humour and he sells the odd copy too.
Intelligent, thought provoking books and - of course - The Prestiege
The Years of Rice and Salt is a great alternative history book and then there's those Martians
Wiki entry
Died in 2007. So it goes.