Writers' Resources
Help, resources and reference sites for writers.
Books which I've found useful-
Who? As someone who wants to write but has a 'proper job' to worry about, his book 'Creating' changed my whole outlook. If you wonder how you will ever find the time... read 'Creating'.
Stephen King's 'On Writing' is a good insight into the process and pitfalls of writing.
Information & Tools
A superb online thesaurus. Now you can browse words just like the internet. How cool is that?
Mine are generally firm-to-medium hard sci-fi. Lag phase is plausibly-hard-to-firm-ish.
Randy Ingermanson's writing method, an interesting tool which is very popular.
This link is for their sci-fi course. Navigate up when you get there for more information about the foundation.
Have a go if you think you're cash/time rich enough :)